Tried connecting. No luck, though. Updating to the latest version?
I make animations and animation accessories
Joined on 9/5/03
Tried connecting. No luck, though. Updating to the latest version?
As soon as bukkit is properly updated, our server will go 1.4!
Allright man, I'll wait. Looking forward to see the sights!
updating the server?
OOHH! If i had minecraft full version! ... ... Soooooooo xmas is coming isnt it?... Il write it right now...
does garlorad grief on the srever
Oh yeah. Type /WARP PAIN when you're in the server to see an example.
if only i had minecraft for the computer... i only have it for xbox...
I would LOVE to get greifed by Gaylord_Steambath tho :P
hey i cant get logged in..
i have minecraft...but no -profile- sorry.
I have established a small base there. Somewhere. Now I'll need to figure out how this 'plot' works.
Uhm, I'm sorry to be a bother.. But it won't let me on? It just has the signal symbol with a cross over it. Ehh, I want to go on it so badly! :D
Your work is amazing by the way! Worth watching! (:
Thanks! And just hit connect. It should work.
i don't mean to rush you or something, but when is the next TNA is coming out? Love the series!
I tried to get on the server, and it says "Can't reach server". ,_,
hey falconer can i have a set of armor on the server an ive spoted you a few times and my player name is imaslime1 to get back with me .ps there are lots of campers at pvp
i cant get on the server for some reason it says im not white listed or something my user is frostyplazma.
We're updating to 1.5. We gotta wait for the plugins to update. Should be a few days.
cant get on server anymore
can cracked minecraft users join?
I'm just adding this since I don't know if Falconer02 is going to update this any time soon. Part 15 and 16 have been released and are on his personal YouTube channel. Come by and check it out.
i betchya think you're hot shit don't you? well guess what, here's some news. YOU'RE NOT.
Thank you for not associating me with warm excrement!
For the guy below, Tugoro, what's your problem?
I think your minecraft movies are AWESOME!!!!!! I also think that minecraft village or city is cool :)