I'm really surprised the Minecraft animation is doing so well, so thanks to all who watched and commented on it. What's up next on the agenda?
IRL- save money. Avoid another snowpocalypse. Maybe move out of Illinois because I'm beginning to realize how much this state sucks. Maybe go back to school. Got any idea? Any suggestions would be considered. I need some change.
Personal work- the picture below is all that needs to be stated. I finally got it storyboarded out and I have about 30 seconds of it. Still, it's going to take forever but I'm pushing for mid summer. If another good idea comes into play during this one, I'm definitely taking a break from Circuit Skirmish. But it'll be done. Eventually! I just gotta focus on it.
Hello! Loved you Minecraft animation! Mind giving me the IP to your server? I would love to help with a few Hijinks. ^^