Damn! Was I supposed to laugh?
I just thought it wasnt funny. I know you did it as a joke and whatnot, but...it wasn't funny. It wasnt good not because of the redundant "you're against jews!" reviews you seem to be getting, but I didn't like it because it was just plain boring. It was a pain to watch the same animation loops and mouth movements over and over with only one camera angle for that long of an animation. Dave and Hitler...they were just ripoffs of family guy-ish personalities it seemed what with them talking over eachother and everything...It got really boring after the first 20 seconds. You obviously have the talent to create animations, so take it another way next time...make it more unique, give your characters different personalities, and make them do more then stand in one frame and talk!...Or you don't have to. I dont care. If this helps, cool. If it does not, just disregard this.